I finished up my Master's program at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC on July 17. That was almost one whole month early. Since I had been pushing myself to beat every deadline while writing my MA Project research paper, I felt I deserved to celebrate on each of the last few days I was in Vancouver (read: trying new bars, sunset picnic on the beach -- see photo at left --, dinners with friends, lots of time staring at the mountains...)
I said goodbye to Vancouver on Thursday morning and spent the next 11 hours hauling my way across Washington state, then cutting across the northwest corner of Oregon and heading into Idaho. I stayed the night with a friend of a friend (thanks couchsurfing.org) in Boise, Idaho. Driving along the interstate, you'd never know that Boise is a beautiful mountain town. Technically it is located on the high plains, I suppose, but it's just blocks from enormous foothills that in my Appalachian-trained mind qualify as mountains all by themselves. Dan, my host in Boise, showed me around town. A glacier-fed river runs right through downtown, and large trees shade the cozy neighborhoods throughout the city. Lucky for me, Dan is not only a great tour guide but also a superb gardener.
Friday morning, I woke up early (although not as early as I thought since my cell phone was still on Pacific time and I was in the Mountain time zone). I drove another 11 hours to Laramie, Wyoming, which is where I rest as I write this. The drive was beautiful, and it gave me my first glimpse of Red Rock mountains since I was in northern Wyoming last year during the drive west to Vancouver (see photo below).
Saturday afternoon, Greg and I drove to Denver, Colorado. We went to a Rockies game at Coors Field. Despite some iffy weather, we lucked out and saw a good game that the Rockies ended up winning 8-2. Afterwards, we met up with some of Greg's friends and went to a club called Cervantes. A local funk band called The Motet put on a Michael Jackson tribute show. They brought in extra musicians including a horn section and three singers for the event. You know that moment during a concert when an amazing band starts to play the first few notes of a cover song that everyone in the crowd loves? Well this entire show was like that. I danced more than I have ever danced in my life. I've never seen a happier crowd. Honestly, it may have been the best show I have ever been to. It definitely deserves a spot in the top 5.
On Sunday, Greg and I went to another baseball game (this was really my ideal weekend!). The weather was better, and the Rockies won again! When we got back to Laramie last night, I met Greg's "Sunday family" (a group of co-workers who have dinner together every Sunday), and enjoyed a most delicious homemade meal. But all the driving, dancing, being in the hot sun, etc. really wore us out, and we both went to bed early last night. Now I've got a whole day ahead of me in Laramie. I think I'll get on my bike and see some of this town, and if the weather cooperates and I still feel good, I may go back to Vedauwoo. Tomorrow, it's back to the road. I'll say goodbye to Greg, and try to make my way across Nebraska before dusk. With cruise control on a flat interstate, tomorrow should be the easiest day of the whole trip!
Check out that rock in the upper left, does it look familiar to you? I think it looks like a woman in wearing a head scarf. Greg said maybe it's Rafiki the baboon from The Lion King.