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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Some days are humbling. It might because something awe-inspiring takes place. Other times the immensity of humanity or life or the world strike chords of humility in my soul. But then there are days that are just filled with reminders that I am simply not as great as I like to think I am, as I want to be. Today was one of those days.

It's not that I fancy myself a failure or fail to appreciate the worth of my being on Earth, it's just that I had a day full of moments that made me think, "I need to work on that," and "I should have done that better," and "I can't believe I've made that mistake 1,723,454,577,563,206,863,723 times without realizing it."

Oh a change of pace will be nice. A new place to live. A new place to work. A new circle of people to try to understand. That will all be so very nice. I'll start over, make an infinite number of new mistakes, and it will all be cool. The petty things that bugged me today will be truly put in their petty little place in history. That is one thing I love about moving forward -- it puts the past in perspective.

But will I have to move to a new continent every time I need a fresh perspective? That could get crazy.