Ambition - the desire to achieve
Aimless - moving in no particular direction
I would never strive to be ambition-less. but as I see it, I can be aimless and still live a full and happy life. In fact, an aimless life seems to be a fuller and happier one that I imagine an "aimed" life would be. Aimless implies movement in one's life -- following a path without knowing your final destination, or even blazing a new trail without an endpoint in mind. Life should be lived like an afternoon walk in the forest -- taken one step at a time, with frequent stops to enjoy the view, applaud yourself for overcoming challenges, and observe the way your surroundings interact with your presence and can continue to thrive long after you've gone away. It has nothing to do with reaching a certain place or finding a specific thing; it's just about the journey. And to be so overwhelmed with wonder and awe that you cannot possibly pinpoint a goal other than to simply live, that is true success.