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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Made It!

lots of laughs, wake at dawn, drive drive drive
hugs and beers. rooftop chit chat. music and dancing.
driving for what felt like days. breakout out the tent. make a fire.
mount rushmore
smaller than i expected. rain and hail. running. laughter.
more campsites. a motel. heart to hearts. long days in the car filled with good music.
yellowstone national park and old faithful.
the last part was a blur. driving driving driving. seattle. bellingham.

This city is huge and overwhelming. There is so much to see and do. So many people to meet. The first full day here, my friend and I ran into a parade of zombies. There were traditional zombies, an Elvis zombie, a hula zombie, and finally at the end of the hundreds of walking dead, a group of stoic zombies performing the Thriller dance. Perfectly timed. No music. It was so excellent! And it was the perfect welcome to what I am sure will be a very bizarre, educational, and fun year.