My job search has been fruitless so far (if anyone can offer an tips, connections, guidance, etc. -- please get in touch), but I know I'll find employment eventually (perhaps in 2012?). In the mean time, I do enjoy the slow pace of my life. I'm reading a lot and catching up on movies and shows that are old to most people but still seem new and strange to me. But this slow pace is unsettling when I contrast it against the frenzied development of the tragedies and frustrating realities that I just spent a year studying.
For example, Honduras is a wreck. Reports are emerging that the police have been on a rape spree since the coup. Suppression of the media and other human rights violations are rampant. But this story has faded from news headlines. In an effort to draw your attention to the appalling reality of the situation in Honduras (and the Obama administration's deafening silence in response to it) I beseech you to read this article: Obama's Deafening Silence in Honduras. An excerpt:
The millions of Americans who gave their votes, contributions or energy to Barack Obama's presidential campaign in the hope that he would change U.S. foreign policy probably didn't expect to see this administration fishing around for rightwing allies to help block Latin America from trying to reverse a military coup. But that appears to be the reality.
-by Mark Weisbrot