It's not easy to think of things to write, even if the world is full of inspiration. I've been neglecting this blog for months, and it's not the only thing; I've also been ignoring my journal. I've been keeping a journal off and on since I was seven years old. Since Semester at Sea, I haven't ever gone more than a few days without writing in one of my little books. That habit made contributing to this blog super easy. But for the last six months or so, I've had a hard time finding material to scribble for my own personal enjoyment, and I haven't been able to think of anything that I feel I need to share with the citizens of cyberspace. I don't know if this has something to do with getting older or if it's just that I don't feel like I have anything worth sharing.
I admit that sometimes I feel like writing reveals too much vulnerability -- something about giving voice to my inner musings makes me a little nervous. But I've also gained so much from doing just that; sharing my thoughts has often been the most rewarding part of my day, sometimes even my year. But I also recognize that the greatest inspiration for me has always been my experiences -- pushing my boundaries, trying new things, feeling the extremes of the human emotional spectrum. I don't really feel like I've had any exhilarating conversations or experiences in a long time. In fact when I think about it, the last time I felt exhilarated was somewhere between Boise, Idaho and Laramie, Wyoming. The Rockies always get to me in a good way.
Since December, I moved to Philadelphia, started a new job, got my own apartment, and met oodles of new, interesting people. But those experiences haven't translated to written confabulation. Fortunately, something completely exhilarating should occur in the next week. My sister is going to have a baby, and for the first time my genetic line will be extended into the next generation. I'm more excited than I was the first time I took a transatlantic flight, more pumped than when I first set foot in the Amazon rain forest, more giddy than I felt at the top of Cerro Chirripo in Costa Rica. I don't have to work hard, save money, organize arrangements, or anything. But this amazing thing is going to happen to me, to my family, to the world. A new person is going to join us on this floating blue marble, and because he/she will share my blood, it's special. I never got that before. And when I think about it, I definitely feel like I need to shout it to the world.
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