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Monday, July 16, 2007

A Lesson in Painting

Last night I was rereading old blog entries from the MySpace days, and I found this gem that I had completely forgotten I even wrote. Now seems like the perfect time to dust it off and reintroduce these thoughts to the world. Read on...

An ignorant man once said, "Fuck Pittsburgh, Virginia's the best state!" I beg to differ. Pittsburgh, obviously, is not even a state. But if it was, it would be the best one. Here is a short list of what I love about Pittsburgh:
  • the sports-loving people (post-super bowl blissfulness leads to the most peaceful "riot" in sports history)
  • the eclectic mix of architecture (cathedral of learning, meet ppg place)
  • cheap beer (25 cent tuesdays, dollar drafts every day)
  • yinzer pride (n'at)
  • affordable cost of living (hello to having my own place)
  • good thrift stores (though laurel thrift will always have a place in my heart)
  • the hills and rivers/geography/topography (the view from mt. washington)
  • the fact that a blue collar past has led to an adamently liberal politcal present (no republican mayor in more than two and a half decades)
  • diversity (south oakland was home to both dan marino and andy warhol... what a great dichotomy)
  • tradition (not that pitt contributes to this, but the rest of the city has it right)
  • being undervalued (no bandwagon yinzers in sight)

So with all these wonderful things filling me up with joy everyday, why am I so antsy? Why am I dying to hop on a plane?

The answer is in the first part of this post: Pittsburgh is not a state. It's not a region. It's not a nation. It's a dot on the vast planet Earth. The people and things who make this place so great are tiny little drops of paint on an infinitely larger canvas. I want to explore the other dots and see each as what it is: an individual part of the masterpiece that is this world.

Pittsburgh isn't a state, but it is a state of mind. And when I go elsewhere, I won't really be leaving this place behind.

Planet, I am going to leave my footprints all over your fine canvas. And the paths I cut, the lines I draw, the corners I strain to reach will all be connected on one looping, crazy trail that ends where it began -- Pittsburgh is the best state.

-December 18, 2006