Monday afternoon, I had the urge to play outside, even though it had been thundering and the clouds were threatening heavy rain. I must have been having a premonition of something good to come. David and I climbed up the hill at San Lorenzo, just outside Tehuacan, for a view of the city. And when we got there, what a sight there was waiting for us!

The arco iris (rainbow) was one of the brightest I have ever seen, which caused me to obsess over taking pictures of it. Luckily, this was quite easy to do. My house is probably somewhere in this picture to the left (in the lower right hand corner), but I have no idea where.
My city, my rainbow, and me. It was so pretty -- these pictures hardly capture it.

I also took some pictures from the car on the way back to school. By then, the rainbow was even more incredible, and it arced across the whole sky.