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Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am in the midst of the worst writer's block of my life. When I first got back from Latin America, I was writing constantly. Words were pouring from my pen onto the pages of my journal. I kicked out four short stories in a week. And then, it all stopped. The inspiration evaporated. I'm groping for words when I speak, and writing is a lost cause. I can hardly think of what I want to say, let alone a good way of saying it.

Is suburbia killing my brain? I'd like to think so. A problem like that would have an easy solution. But I don't think it's that simple.

I'm reading a lot, and that usually gets me writing. The main thing is that my journaling as fallen off. At the end of the day, I just don't feel like opening my little red book, and this is a new feeling for me. I love my journal. I always have. I have filled dozens of them in my lifetime. And yet, these past few weeks, I just haven't felt like it.

If you have a good writer's block cure, please send them my way. I am utterly desperate for suggestions.